HaRdy Fools

A rugged collection of thrill seekers, boundary pushers, creatives, adventurers, and lifestyle athletes telling stories well off the beaten path.

on a mission.

The safe and scripted just won’t cut it anymore. Brands need to put their products to the test while giving audiences the real, raw, and honest content they crave. And we’re the right fools to make it happen.

Play hard.
Fool hard.

Our process pairs independent storytellers with uniquely talented athletes and odds-defying adventurers. All to create a collaborative, streamlined, yet exhilarating path to making content that attracts eyeballs. Wins hearts and minds. Grabs the world by the cojones and shows the rewards of rushing in where others fear to tread.

Follow @thehardyfools


Boldly going where smart people won’t.